what you'll receive...
- 75minute pre-recorded Human Design Foundations masterclass led by Dr. Mona
- guidance to get you started using your Human design + soul blueprint!
- clear understanding of the critical Foundations of Human Design including: where Human Design originated from, the 5 Types + Strategies, Signature + Not-self themes, 8 Authorities, 9 Energy Centers, Definitions
- gain insight into the basic concepts behind Profiles, Gates, Channels, and Incarnation Crosses, Planets, and the PHS system. While we can't cover all these details you gain insight into where you can learn more and what each area means.
*Note: This is not a customized Human Design chart reading and it will not cover all the aspects of your chart. Please book a customized Human Design chart reading if you are interested in this. This masterclass is nonrefundable (though it will be so packed with insight you won't want your money back!)