Schedule a FREE Clarity Call

As women we're often told 

(through direct words or subconscious messaging)...

 to be quiet, 

to be seen and not heard,

that our bodies, our symptoms, our concerns are NOT valid or important.

We're given birth control for every concern, left in the dark, forced to shut down + silence our bodies, our intuition, our power.

 If... and that's a BIG IF!

IF we're taught about our bodies and how to understand them it's from a very masculine, Western, science forward structure.

I'm sure you have never brought up the bigger life questions + ponderings with your medical provider because we ALL have been taught that our body + our body experience is total separate from our spirituality and soul....

but is It REALLY??


Our bodies, our cells, our flow is designed by nature to be

feminine, cyclical, intuitive

our healing, our paths, + our journeys inward are meant to sprout from a space of 

flow, awareness, self-care, + soul knowing


The truth is that your body + your beliefs are SO INTERTWINED! Your emotions, your words, your actions, + your inner thoughts all deeply impact your body + how you are in + with your body.

And here is the thing…

Your body is WISE! Your body is giving you quiet messages all along, asking to support you. 

You have these built in internal guidance systems (your menstrual cycles + your Human Design) that are created to guide and a support you in a more easeful, aligned, expansive way of being. 


If you drop into your body, do you feel the yearning for something deeper, more expansive, more layered, + more supportive than you've been given?

What if...

What if instead of quieting, shutting down, ignoring your body, you were taught to + chose to befriend your body and your womb, to walk beside her, to listen intently to her and step into a space of caring for your body through a holistic, mind, body, spirit, + womb lens?

What if you could lean into natural ways bring your body back to balance? 

What if you fully stepped into the energy of your Highest, most magnetic self?


Many of us think this will come naturally with time. If we wait long enough our body will return to "normal", we’ll understand it + life better, the answers will just come to us… but when you were never taught what is normal, never taught how to address things holistically, never taught to listen to your soul + its guidance, never taught to your unique gifts + how to lean into them, never taught to take up space + be witnessed by another women, and all you ever receive is gaslighting, avoidance, + confusing or little to no advice it’s (sadly) normal that you are still feeling hopeless, detached, shitty, uninformed, and confused about what is going on inside of you + what you have the power to actually shift.

But I say from experience, it does NOT have to be this way any longer…

I’m inviting you to a different experience of your body, your menstrual cycles, + your experience of this life. 


I’m inviting you to

TRANSFORM the way you are in + with your body!


a seemingly magical process of transformation, creation, or combination.

In society we’ve only been taught to value and pay for that which is tangible – the testing, the courses, the books. These masculine containers have great value (and I offer many of them) BUT without the balance of the Feminine we often get stuck in a space of control, managing, dismissing our bodies + experience... we get stuck in the energy we did NOT choose for this lifetime.

The true healing + true respect for and welcoming in of the Feminine + the allowing of the answers from our DEEP inner knowing, a place which can’t be seen or necessarily proven. 


Our alchemy + transformation arrives in the Feminine, the being, the allowing.

Allowing for the cycles, the flow, the soft support that we can’t put words to. Allowing our souls + our internal knowings to resurface.

I see it time + again…

this slowing, this embracing, this turning inward + truly embodying our FEMININE flow, our innate gifts, + our HIGHER SELF is what ALLOWS for the deep nourishment that lowers cortisol, that nourishes our body, + heals our hormones and relationships with ourselves and others. It is what allows us to step into a space of self-love, self-awareness, power, joy, ease, + unexplainable magnetism. 

This is what I am inviting you into. 

This is what I am inviting you to receive support in. 

It’s okay to be afraid.

It’s okay to surrender + trust. 

It’s okay to invest in feminine, flowy, nonlinear, body + soul support for yourself. 

You can be safe + held within a non-masculine container. 

I am proof that it works.

My clients are proof.

I invite you to quiet your mind, to truly trust your heart + your body.  

They are pulling you to the softness for a reason. 

You don’t need concrete reasons to trust + lean in. 

You need faith.

You need your FEMININE, you need your SOUL GUIDANCE. 

This is impactful work, your Human Design and your Divine Feminine are valuable + the door to unlock your healing + the reclaiming of your body, your hormonal health, your wellness, your Highest self and expansion in this life. 

Reclaim her + reclaim your new existence.

a journey of the self, through the self, to the self


This container is perfect for you if you are . . .


  • committed to leaning into your Divine feminine + the cyclical flow that you were designed to live by
  • desire mentorship from a doctor, nurse, healer, wise woman, spiritual soul that has walks the talk + will guide you with kindness, presence, + zero judgment
  • curious to learn more about Human Design + why your unique soul shows up in the way it does
  • interested in using fertility awareness to track your hormones + cycles as part of your holistic health journey
  • looking for comprehensive education about your body, cycle, hormones, + fertility 
  • wanting cycle syncing practices that infuse ease + flow in your life
  • interested in improving your period, cycles + hormones naturally
  • craving guidance + mentorship from a holistic medical provider and fertility awareness educator that is spiritually minded + infuses deeply holistic principles in each step of your care 
  • ready to learn how to be more present with your body, your healing, your experience through self-love + embodiment practices
  • looking for a customized wellness plan that includes diet, lifestyle, herbs, supplements, spiritual + mental shifts you can make to improve your cycle, hormones + overall health
  • desiring a deeper connection with your body, cycles, & inner wisdom
  • ready to lean into your body + soul journey by learning more about your connection to the moon + YOUR soul’s unique purpose 
  • devoted to stepping into a new way of being, to TRANSFORM your life + your Divine Feminine presence

it's time to Alchemize your truths,

time to step into to Divine soul that you came here to be

In this curated mentorship you'll receive . . . 

  • 1:1 mentorship with Dr. Mona
  • 6 or 12 month customized support container focused on empowering you to embody + live a life that aligns with and honors your unique cycles, body, + soul energy through the lens of fertility awareness, cycle syncing, Human Design, self-love, integrative medicine, + wise woman practices.
  • 2 private, LIVE calls per month. Sessions are a customized blend of Human Design readings, education, holistic medicine, + wise woman practices mixed with integration practices and rituals
  • Unlimited daily messaging 
  • access to ALL of my current courses, masterclasses, + the Sisterhood membership and any new courses or memberships I launch during our work together 
  • Dedicated cycle chart reviews with insights on your charting practice + overall cycle and hormonal health including recommendations on how you can improve your charting + learn more deeply from your body and it’s message including insight on ways to identify + address potential hormonal imbalances 
  • Customized holistic blueprint. A wellness that plan that evolves throughout your container. You are forever shifting, evolving, growing, expanding - your wellness plan should be reflective of this and your specific food medicine, herbs, supplements, lifestyle, mindset, spiritual + energetic suggestions will all shift based on what we are seeing and hearing in your journey 
  • Toolkit of recommended practices + rituals tailored to YOUR journey, desires, + what we are intuitively guided to use to support YOUR BODY in its feminine power + soul journey. This is unique to each client but some examples include: custom journal prompts, meditations, menstrual bleed rituals, yoni gazing, dry brushing, seed cycling, lunaception (syncing with the moon), full + new moon rituals, yoni steaming, castor oil packs, customized herbs + more! 
  • Human Design + soul guidance Your soul came to earth at the EXACT moment it did, with the EXACT energy + gifts it did to aid your soul in achieving its Higher purpose. Human Design helps you tune into your unique energy + giftings so you can show up in the most aligned way in order to find more ease, joy + purpose in this life. Guidance includes a deep dive into both Foundational + Advanced Human Design chart reading(s) by Dr Mona + customized PDF ebook(s).  
  • *Option to purchase gut microbiome, food sensitivity, and/or hormone testing at an additional charge
  • an invitation to UPLEVEL + TRANSFORM your way of being IN + WITH with your body!


How is the mentorship structured or the focus decided?

To me, mentorship is meant to be FLUID, intuitive, + guided based on your current journey and needs. As we grow, this will ebb and flow and change and the more we can lean into + honor that process and your EVOLUTION, the more you will take away. I believe in approaching life + mentorship from a space of LOVE, JOY, + TRUST in your journey + the unfolding that naturally wants to come.

Some clients have specific things in life that are currently INITIATING them to better understand themselves, their cycles, and their energy - a career change, desire for partnership or family, feeling out of alignment with energy, physical body symptoms (painful periods, irregular cycles, gut issues, acne, fatigue, etc), dissatisfaction or frustration or anger with where they currently are in life. 

Other clients simply have a desire to more FULLY see, understand, and love themselves or to step into their most MAGNETIC ways of being. (Often I see a combo of this and specific support requests).

In BOTH cases, we focus on going into ALL the layers of YOU - your body, cycles, emotions, Human Design, stories, belief patterns - and I offer you the opportunity to be seen, held, LOVED, and to experiment with + step into the most EMPOWERED + ALIGNED version of YOURSELF!

This is JUST what I need

Sign Me Up!

Dr. Mona is a 3/5 emotional Manifestor and doctor of nursing practice over 17 years of medical experience and additional training + certifications in integrative and functional medicine, herbal medicine, yoga, Human Design, and fertility awareness. Throughout her offerings, Mona blends her experience and expertise in eastern + western medicine to offer you a deeply HOLISTIC experience that honors both science + Source (our womb, mother earth, and spirit). Her passion is helping her fellow womb holders re-discover the sovereignty, power, and deep wisdom they hold within while expanding their ability to heal + support their bodies, hormones and current life goals naturally + in a state of total peace, ease, and confidence. Mona believes in shifting the world, one being at a time - beginning first with ourselves and always through the lens of the Mind, Body, Spirit + Womb.

What clients are saying . . .

"When I saw Mona's offerings along with her background in both western + holistic health, I knew she was the missing piece I needed to start on this journey. I signed up immediately + without hesitation, and from there my expectations were only exceeded!"

Kelly, 29

Working with Mona was an experience that brought me back into my body. I forged a deeper connection with my cycle through the invaluable wisdom that Mona shared with me and the guidance she gifted me with was something that I continue to use daily and will use for a long time yet."

Anne, 31

"After working with Mona for 9 months, I discovered a profoundly deep respect + appreciation for the beauty + magic that exists within the female body, and an understanding + grace for the seasons of our hormonal fluctuations, what purpose they serve, and how to flow with the tide, instead of resisting it."

Mallory, 40

Ready to claim your Alchemy?


I like to have a complimentary call with all potential private mentorship clients prior to us entering into a container together! (Schedule with the link below.) 

 This call allows us to get to know one another, gives space for you to ask any questions and share your story + goals, and offers us the opportunity to feel into the energetics between us to make sure it is an aligned fit for both of us. 


the Energetic exchange

I like to see what I'm going to invest prior to talking to someone. So, your INVESTMENT for this mentorship + the support that you are desiring to go deeper, to alchemize, and to transcend to the MOST MAGNETIC version of yourself is listed below! I see her + I'm already holding the vision of you BEING in this energy NOW!! This investment will pay off in ways you could never imagine - I see this for myself when I invest in my own mentorships and I consistently see it in clients when we can go DEEP with one another! Know that any fear is so normal, it IS the door to your expansion, it IS your growing edge inviting you forward. I can't wait to chat with you + learn more about you and what you're desiring to call IN + step INTO!!

in peace + EXPANSION

Dr. Mona


12 month mentorship INVESTMENT:  $1,111/mo 

6 month mentorship INVESTMENT: $1,333/mo 

*10% off for pay-in-full through JULY 31st only*

Free Mentorship Clarity Call

Schedule a FREE 30minute call with the link below! xx

YESSSSSS!!!! Let me schedule!!

Dr. Mona Inbox Love


Drop your name + email below to claim your free fertility awareness ebook AND to receive updates on future Medicine with Mona happenings,Dr. Mona’s Monthly Musings, special offers, + more.

*Disclaimer: We respect your privacy. Use this information at your own risk. This is not individualized medical advice. Please consult with your medical provider for any questions or concerns that you may have, including whether this is appropriate for you.